Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter one by John Reuben

So this is a song titled "Chaper 1" by a rapper named John Reuben. it's really deep, so i figured I'd post it. :)

I'll embrace dreams again when I can breathe again
And at that point I won't be needing them.
It became clear to me that i was fighting a war I couldn't end-
You don't make it on your own merit
Only royalty inherits the kingdom
And that's a system good intentions can't help.
Your courage is no good here-
So don't try to excel!
What a sad day when you realize nothing can change-
The revolution didn't leave you-

It never came.

There will be no parades
No royal balls
Just long days topped off with last calls for alchohol.
Go to sleep
Wake up
Repeat the same routine.
Smooth skin dressed with wrinkles
And brown eyes with dark wrings.
And enertainers sing of extremes that don't exist for you and me.
When real like is reality tv-
No wonder our youth don't believe in anything!
It's all a joke!
There are no heroes

Just those of us with high hopes.

It's just not that simple!
I'm not trying to save it all
I just wanna create a ripple
And even if one individual is affected,
It's monumental with a beautiful perspective that's unusual in essence.
And traditional thinking won't suggest this-
Is life really that precious?
Well yes it is.
But there will be no celebrations or congradulations
No pat on the back
Just your mind intact
And the freedom to hear your heart beat at the speed of light.
Go to sleep tonight knowing you did it right
And rest easy outside of a system that resents you,
For not doing what they expect you to do!

Psycologically wear you down
And they make the suggestion
That you get on a prescription to deal with your depression
-That's what money makers like to call a "disease"
And they'll be looking for creating new problems
With profitable solutions to solve them.
But you won't get any better.
You'll just come back for more until your medicine drawer
Is filled with unreliable chores.

And that's the way of the beast-
I can't do nothing about it.
I could shout it in a room that's crowded
But i doubt it'd make a difference.
So ignorance will be my disguise
Cause twenty-first century America likes it witchcraft civilized.

I really like this song. It's beautiful. It's a very poetic way of describing the faults and problems of our culture and society. It's really eye opening if you think about it. I would definatly suggest getting your hands on this song. It's titled "Chapter 1" by John Reuben, and is on his album "Boy vs. The Cynic".
And that's all I have for today guys. Chew on that some and maybe, if you get time, leave me a comment and tell me what you think.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The birthing of something new

"When a baby is just born it is usually crying. Why. Because it’s in a new territory, somewhere unfamiliar, cold, and way too bright. All the baby wants is to go back into the warm womb that has been their home for 9 months. The baby doesn’t know that even if it were to go back into the womb, it wouldn’t be the same and that in reality that would poison the baby because now the womb is dead. But if have ever seen a baby unhappy you know that crying is what they do so they just keep on at it. Nevertheless, there are still some things that the doctor needs to do. First the doctor cleans out the baby's nose (and throat if needed) so that the baby can breathe on its own. However it is still attached by the umbilical cord, its only way it has been able to breathe or eat for 9 months. So, the doctor clamps the cord to cut off bloodflow. And still the baby keeps crying even though the voice they’ve heard from above for so long is still there trying to soothe it and tell them “everything is gonna be all right” (This is where the super deep meaning comes in) Until the baby stops trying to breathe through the clamped cord, it cannot actually get the sufficient breaths it needs. The baby MUST be able to breathe on its own before it can be left alone for even a second.

What we don’t realize is that we try to keep breathing through our clamped cord, we keep trying to climb back into the womb, to keep looking back on our pasts where we are comfortable and don’t have to branch out. This doesn’t work. God does not intend for all of us to stay a baby (Christian) forever. He wants us to breathe on our own. Grow up. Mature.

Sometimes the best thing is moving on into the plan God has for us. Actually scratch that. It is ALWAYS the best thing to center your life in accordance to God’s plan. It is how we ar eable to be blessed by God, it is how we grow, and it is how our testimony strengthens, so that it can, in turn, can strengthen others.

...And this is my time to move on into the new things of God. To look forward, so I won't keep stumbling looking over my shoulder. Now I can enjoy the reign of God in my life.

Psalms 33:11
But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,
The purposes of his heart through all generations."

No-i didn't write this. A friend of mine blogs about her life, what she's going through, and how God shows her things. And this was one of the things she said. I really liked the analogy of birthing. You know, God tends to use that analogy alot in hid word. Jesus said we have to be born again. Peter said "in his great mercy, God has given us a new birth of hope" (1 Peter 1:3) When a baby is birthed, it is in pain. When a woman gives birth, she is in pain. But when the two come together, their pain is forgotten and joy is restored. Isn't that how we are to God? When we go through transitions, it hurts us, much like a baby. And when God watches us struggle, it hurts him, much like the mother. But when we are put together, our pain is forgotten, and joy is brought back to us. When a baby is being birthed, and both mother and child are screaming in pain, something new and beautiful is happening. A new person is brought into the world, and though there is much pain, in the end, the pain is gone, and the joy that the new child brings is everlasting.