Friday, December 3, 2010

My love! Your hair is like a flock of goats!

Have you ever read Song of Solomon? I'm not gonna lie-it's pretty heated. When you read it on the surface, it is about a man and woman in love. It's just a bunch of mushy a bunch of chapters...with a lot of really weird compliments-if you would even call them that. Like once, the man-called the Lover-tells the woman-the Beloved-that her "hair is like a flock of goats". he says "your neck is like the tower of david". Have you ever felt a goat's hair? I have-and if a man told me my hair was like a goat, I would be strongly offended! And if he said you have a neck like a tower...well he might as well say "You have a neck like a giraffe!" It's crazy some of the things the Lover and Beloved say to each other! But back to what I was talking about originally.
If you ever get a chance, read Song of Solomon. It's a beautiful book and story. But when you finish it, think of it this way-God as the Lover, and you as the Beloved....okay-I can tell you are confused...let me explain it better.
In Song of Solomon, the Lover chases after the Beloved. The Lover's love for the Beloved is unconditional. He loves her with all of his heart. He would go to the ends of the earth for her. He would die for her. He would do anything for her. He loves her that much! it's awesome! But at one point, in my opinion, it seems as though the Beloved doubts the Lover's love for her. And yet the Lover is not discouraged. He chases after his love. He wants her, desires her, needs her. He loves her! She doesn't have to DO anything to make him love her more or less. He loves her perfectly.
Isn't that how God loves us? He chases after us. He loves us unconditionally. He died for us. He chases after us, even when we doubt him. We can do nothing that makes him love us less or more. He loves us with perfect love! And when we deny him or mess up, he accepts us back with open arms. Really! He does! Read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. That's how God loves us!
If you've been reading my blog, you probably figured out I really like music. And I like to relate things to music. So I found this song by a band called "Tenth Avenue North". The song is titles "Beloved", and it made me cry once. It's written from God's point of view. It talks about how he always accepts us. in a way, this song is alot like the book of Song of Solomon. you listen to it, and think it's about a man and woman at first. But it has a much deeper meaning. Here are the lyrics:
"Love of my life
Look deep in my eyes.
There you will find what you need.
Give me your life-
The lust and the lies,
The past you're afraid I might see.
You've been running away from me!
You're my Beloved!
Lover, I'm yours!
Death shall not part us-
It's you I died for!
For better or worse,
Forever we'll be.
Our love, it unites us,
And it binds you to me.
It's a mystery.
Love of my life!
Look deep in my eyes!
There you will find what you need!
I'm the giver of life!
I'll clothe you in white!
My immaculant bride you will be.
Oh come running home to me!
You're my Beloved!
Lover, I'm yours!
Death shall not part us-
It's you I died for!
For better or worse-
Forever we'll be.
Our love unites us
And it binds you to me.
Oh you've been a mistress, my wife.
You're chasing lovers that won't satisfy!
Won't you let me make you my bride?
You will drink of my lips and taste new life.
You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours.
Death shall not part us!
It's you died for!
For better or worse!
Forever we'll be!
Our love unites us-
And it binds you to me.
It's a mystery."
That is a beautiful song, and i would definatly suggest downloading it or even buying their cd. ANYways...that song can be thought about as love between a man and woman, but think deeper. The Bible calls the church God's bride. We are his bride. He loves us, like the Lover loves his Beloved. He chases after us, and always accepts us back with open arms if we mess up. Well...that's all I really have to's kind of late. :)
-A christian teenage girl

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