Sunday, November 20, 2011

To the Anon

Sorry guys-Blogger is being kinda weird and won't let me reply to ya'lls comments. I try to reply and atleast say thank you, but Blogger tells me I can't. But just to let you know, I see them, and they always encourage me. :)
An "anon" (as I call those who comment anonymously) posted and asked about my other blogs. Well, anon, I actually have two other blogs. One is a blog where I post poems that I write (it doesn't get updated quite as often), and another one is a blog that is similar to this one, I just post more about other things besides just God (like music, my life, things I like-it's more "personal" I guess you could say). You are welcom to look at them! If you click here, you can see my poetry blog, and if you click there, you can see my other blog.
Thank you so much, Anon, for your comment. It always encourages me to know that people are reading and responding to my blog. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much!!!!!! i will totally look at those blogs!!!
