And now to something relevant...
If you read my post about last New Years, let me tell you-2011 was great. So much better than 2010. This year, I did the same thing as I did last year: I listed out the "highlights" of my 2011. Last year, I looked back at many of my things I listed, and felt full of regrets and hurt. 2010 was just not a good year. So I decided to start 2011 different. I started it off right-centering it around God. And it was the best desicion I've ever made.
In 2011, I read completely through the bible for the first time in my life. It was a wonderful feeling, and I devoured every word of it's wisdom. (If you have never tried that, I encourage you to find a plan and read it. It is great.) Also in 2011, I began a relationship with a boy which became my first "real" relationship, you could say. It lasted 6 months, and even though it didn't work out, I took alot of good from it and learned alot of great things. I started a new season in my life in 2011-my senior year-and recieved confirmation about what God wants me to do after I graduate. And also, my dad started to travel every weekend to be mentored by another pastor last year. Yep. 2011 was a great year.
2011 was good, but it also came with it's own problems too. I lost two very close friends. One of my friends left me and my family. Through that experience, I learned that you never know who someone really is until conflict arises. I thought that this person was my closest friend. I called him my brother. However, when conflict came, he decided to leave, even though it hurt us all. But even when people like that leave us, we can turn to God for comfort-because no matter what we do, he will never leave us.
My other friend passed away. Through his death, I realized how many people I have around me that love me and care about me and are there for me. I also learned not to take advantage of any opportunity I have to love someone and let them know that, because you never know if that person will be there the next day. I will always miss my friend, and as much as I wish he were here to share the excitements of 2012 with me, I know that he is in a better place. I love him and miss him so much.
So though 2011 was a great year and taught me some great lessons, it is in the past. 2011 is gone and 2012 is here. I pray that in 2012, God will be able to use me and speak to me in a brand new way that I have never known before. I want to strengthen my relationship with him and focus on it even more so that I have ever done before. I want to center every relationship I have with everyone around God. I want God to bring me someone like my father has-a spiritual mentor to guide me in this critical time of my life. As I close out my senior year and move on to new things, I want 2012 to be the best year of my life. And with God on my side, I know that I will be able to do that.
-Happy New Year.
A Christian Teenage Girl
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