Monday, April 18, 2011

Whew I haven't posted in awhile... I feel like it's been forEVER since I posted. Well, I have a few short things to say.

1) Bible reading. If you read my New Year's post, you would know that I said one of the things I wanted to do was to keep up with reading my Bible and finish it in a year. Well since January 1st, I have kept up with it everyday. I feel accomplished and God has spoken to me so much through it. Let me just show you what I read last night:
"Teach me your ways, Oh Lord
That I may live according to your truth.
Grant me purity of heart,
So that I may honor you.
With all my heart, I will praise you,
Oh Lord, my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
For your love is great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death."
-Psalms 86:11-13
That verse just meant alot to me. I really loved it, and it made me want to make that my life's prayer. Teach me your ways Oh Lord. Grant me purity of heart. I love it. I want to live my life like that. Praising God, living my life to honor him, because of what he's done and how he rescued me. So think about it. I know this verse will definitely be in my heart and spirit for awhile, and I'm gonna be meditating on it quite a bit for the next few days...or weeks...or months...or whenever. :)

2) Check out my testimony! I posted it on my tumblr blog. Here is the link. I hope it encourages someone somehow or speaks into someone's life.

And that's all I really have to say...I hope to start blogging more often. God bless! :)
-A Christian Teenage Girl

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